

Any Undergraduate student wishing to withdraw or take a leave of absence from the 大学 is strongly encouraged to meet with their 学术顾问 before submitting a request. 要查找您的学术顾问的名字,请登录巢.

All requests for a withdrawal or leave of absence from the 大学 must be completed online in 巢. 一次提交, your request will be reviewed by a member of your college or school’s academic advising/student success team.

给教员的通知, 学术顾问, or other 大学 staff member does not constitute a drop or withdrawal from a course, 或大学.

这是学生的责任, 或者退出, their classes for the effective term in which the leave of absence or withdrawal is requested; courses will be dropped administratively if a student fails to do so on their own. Students must adhere to the deadlines and refund policies for the 当前的 semester.

重要的! 在提交请假或退学申请之前, 请查看本学期的截止日期和退款政策 红鹰中心 网站.

如果你是研究生,请联系 研究生院.

1. 该请求将通过您的巢门户找到.

2.  登入你的 门户网站.

3. 导航到个人信息页面,选择“管理记录”.”

5. 点击 UG请假/提现申请.

此时此刻, it is important that before submitting your request for a 休假 or Withdrawal, you review the deadlines and refund policies for the 当前的 semester on the 红鹰中心 网站.

6. This page will have the 休假/Withdrawal policy and the list of implications.

7. 为了继续进行您的在线LOA/WD请求, you must click each of the checkboxes for the statements next to the implication(s) fields.

8. Please proceed to click on each statement as a confirmation that you have read and understand ALL the possible implication(s) of your request and then click “继续”.

9. 如果您将任何复选框留空, you will not be able to continue with the request and the following warning message(s) will display. 向下滚动以选中复选框,然后继续.

10. 此时,您需要选择希望提交的请求.

休假  Request to cease enrollment at the 大学 with the intention of re-enrolling the next semester (no more than one-semester break).
撤军请求  Request to cease enrollment at the 大学 with no intention of re-enrolling, 或打算在连续两个或两个以上学期休息后重新注册


1. 如果申请休假, 点击单选按钮,然后点击“继续选择LOA/WD选项”。.

2. When requesting a 休假, you will be presented with the following options:

Request to take a 休假 at “END” of Current semester and 注册班级.  这意味着, you plan on taking only one semester off at the end of the 当前的 semester. 你将完成你所注册的课程 当前的semester and will be dropped from any future courses in which you may be enrolled (including summer and winter terms).

Ex. 如果你选择了这个选项,它是在2021年春季学期结束时, 您的休假将在2021年夏季/秋季学期进行处理. 

Request to take a 休假 for the “CURRENT” semester/注册班级. 

退学或退课是学生的责任, their classes for the effective term in which the leave of absence or withdrawal is requested. Students must adhere to the deadlines and refund policies for the 当前的 semester**.

Please note after the final course withdrawal deadline for the semester this option will 不 be available online as you will not be able to be withdrawn from any 当前的 courses, 你有责任完成它们. If submitted prior to the withdrawal date, your request will be fully processed for the term. 

Ex. If you select this option for Spring 2021 prior to the last day to withdraw for the term, you will be on leave for the 当前的 semester (Spring) as well as the Summer 2021 term, 预计2021年秋季回归. 

请休假,并 报名参加任何课程.   This option applies when you are 不 registered/报名参加任何课程 for the 当前的 term and you plan on taking the leave for the 当前的 semester.

Ex. If you select this option for Spring 2021 you will be on leave for (Spring 2021) as well as the Summer 2021 term, 预计2021年秋季回归.

3. 一旦你选择了其中一个 休假 显示选项,请选择a “主要原因” 申请你的休假. 请注意,这是必填字段.

4. 如果他们适用,你也可以提供额外的理由. 继续在线请求的其余部分.

5. 完成请求后,单击Submit.

6. This request will be submitted to your College/School Dean’s Office for review and processing. You will receive notification from the 大学 once the action is applied to your record.

7. 提交请求的确认.


1. 如果要求提款, 点击单选按钮,然后点击“继续选择LOA/WD选项”。.

Please note a withdrawal request is to cease enrollment at the 大学 with no intention of re-enrolling, 或打算在连续两个或两个以上学期休息后重新注册. Students who withdraw from the 大学 must apply for readmission through the office of Undergraduate 招生. Readmission to the 大学, and/or into your 当前的 major, is not automatic.

2. When requesting a Withdrawal, you will be presented with the following options:


申请在本学期“结束”时退课. 注册班级.  这意味着, you plan on taking two or more semesters off or do not plan on returning to 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学. 你将完成你所注册的课程 当前的 semester and will be administratively dropped from any future courses in which you may be enrolled (including summer and winter terms).
申请“当前”学期的退课. 注册班级.

退学或退课是学生的责任, their classes for the effective term in which the leave of absence or withdrawal is requested.

** All Students must adhere to the deadlines and refund policies for the 当前的 semester**.

Please note after the final course withdrawal deadline for the 当前的 semester this option will 不 be available online as you will not be able to be withdrawn from any 当前的 semester courses. 你有责任完成它们. 如果申请是在最后期限之前提交的,则撤销该期限, 你的请求将在本学期内得到处理.
请求撤回. 报名参加任何课程. This option applies when you are 不 registered/报名参加任何课程 for the 当前的 term and you plan on withdrawing from 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 effective the 当前的 semester.


3. 一旦你选择了其中一个退出选项显示, 请选择提现申请的“主要原因”. 请注意,这是必填字段.


4. 如果他们适用,你也可以提供额外的理由. 继续在线请求的其余部分.

5. 完成请求后,单击Submit.

6. This request will be submitted to your College/School Dean’s Office for review and processing. You will receive notification from the 大学 once the action is applied to your record

7. 提交请求的确认.

8. You will also get an email sent to your 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 email account.